Assistant Provincial Master to step down
The Provincial Grand Master has announced that V W Bro Michael Clarke PGJO Ass PGM will step down at Provincial Grand Lodge on 3rd May after seven years in office.
"I would like to thank V W Bro Michael for his dedicated service to the Mark Province of West Lancashire as Assistant Provincial Grand Master to both myself and my predecessor R W Bro Peter Connolly and prior to that as Provincial Charity Steward from 2001-2009.
His Chairmanship of our Charity Committee has seen the West Lancashire Mark Charities giving record donations to Masonic and non Masonic causes in this period both in West Lancashire and further afield in support of the MBF.
Further to this our Charity investments have maintained growth in a very turbulent financial climate over the past few years due to his prudent management of the fund.
On behalf of the Province I wish him well and his continued recovery to good health"
Keith Beardmore
Provincial Grand Master